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25-26 November Pandect attended the UK/Norway Bilateral Defence and Security Industry Conference.

29 November 2024

25-26 November Pandect attended the UK/Norway Bilateral Defence and Security Industry Conference.

This was organised by the UK industry organisation, ADS, and their sister organisation in Norway, FSi.

The event took place in London .


23 Norwegian defence companies took part and Pandect had B2B meetings about our new PPC1984  “Platform Product” solution for 12G-SDI/ CoaXPress 12.5 data through our sliprings from 4K cameras with no latency. Optical targeting system requirements were discussed.


Pandect was among 33 UK defence companies which participated.


If your company needs this sort of advanced technology for your gimballed optical technology road map please contact [email protected]  .

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+44(0)1494 526 303/4

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